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 Hulk Hogan vante Linda McMahon... mais un peu moins Vince!

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micke poulin
Champion Européen
Champion Européen

Nombre de messages : 2714
Date d'inscription : 23/01/2009

Hulk Hogan vante Linda McMahon... mais un peu moins Vince! Empty
MessageSujet: Hulk Hogan vante Linda McMahon... mais un peu moins Vince!   Hulk Hogan vante Linda McMahon... mais un peu moins Vince! Icon_minitimeDim 17 Jan - 20:01

Lors d'une conférence de presse promotionnelle pour la TNA vendredi dernier, Hulk Hogan a eu de bons mots pour Linda McMahon, qui cherche à se faire élire comme sénatrice.

Il croit que Linda McMahon l'emportera, car elle est brillante et élégante, en plus d'aider la communauté.

“I think she’s going to win. She’s brilliant. She’s a very gracious, very smart lady, and her intent and her agenda has always been to help the community and be plugged in and be involved. Inside or outside that wrestling world that the McMahons have created, Linda McMahon is a great person.”

Hogan s'est toutefois montré un peu moins gentil en parlant de son mari Vince.

Il avoue avoir une philosophie différente de celle de la WWE, considérant que McMahon pousse trop ses talents à bout. Il croit également que Vinnie Mac ne fait pas assez de place à la nouvelle génération de lutteurs.

“My philosophy is different than the WWE model where Vince McMahon will ride someone until they drop. He will shoot them and eat them. A transition must be made between new stars and the old. Nothing has to be edgy and personal and pull the carpet out from under people. There’s a way to make all of this work, but the focus has to be on the future, and that’s one of the things that has to happen. And that’s the biggest mistake that Vince McMahon made. My time should be over. I should be done and gone. There should have been two generations already that should have replaced me. But because things were executed correctly, I’m alive and well, and I can sell out any ring in the country right now.”

Souce: Fn Lutte
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Hulk Hogan vante Linda McMahon... mais un peu moins Vince!
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